Jeremiah 29:11 is one of the most iconic verses in the Holy Bible. It serves as a reminder of God’s enduring love for us, and can give us hope for the future.

Many Christians know this verse off by heart, such is its fame. In this article, we delve deeper into the verse, look at its meaning and provide further details.

Jeremiah 29:11 is an iconic scripture

Jeremiah 29:11 Verse

The great verse is as follows:

“For I know the plans I have for you”, declares the Lord, “plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future”.

-Jeremiah 29:11


Jeremiah was speaking to the Jews at the time. The Jews had been living under rule, firstly by the Egyptian empire, and then the Babylonian empire, before being exiled to Babylon itself.

The Jews were going through a very difficult time, having been forced to leave their homeland and move to a foreign country that they had very little idea about.

The false prophet Hananiah had told the Jews that God would step in within two years to free the Jews and let them return home. This was a lie, and God removed Hananiah from the Earth – as depicted in Jeremiah 28:15-17.

The Jews were left disappointed after hearing that this was false. They were left wondering why God wasn’t stepping in.

Jeremiah told them that they would remain in Babylon for a minimum of 70 years. This led to the Jews being told to build houses, marry, pray for peace and prosper. This was a difficult message, so the Jews needed further assurance.

So then came the iconic quote. Jeremiah delivered a rallying call to the Jews, telling them that God had a plan for their lives. God had a plan to prosper them, and while they may have problems in the short-term, God has a plan to give them a future.

This rallying call served as a timely reminder to the Jews that God was watching over them and looking out for them. Of course, the Jews would survive and prosper in the area, with God by their side.


For Christians around the world, Jeremiah 29:11 is a very important passage. We all go through rough periods in our lives, this can include traumatic experiences, deaths in our family, or employment or financial issues.

It can lead us to wonder why our lives are going in this direction, and why God is allowing us to go through this difficulty. This is a common thought to have.

But Jeremiah 29:11 shows us that there is a plan for us, and a bigger picture. God is always watching over for us, caring for us, and loving us in every moment.

So while we may go through short-term problems, God has a plan for us in the long-term. God is there for us, and has plans to prosper us, and to give us hope and a successful future.

In the verses after Jeremiah 29:11, God says through Jeremiah that we can always pray to him, and that he will listen to us. This is great to know, and shows


Jeremiah 29:11 can be found just about anywhere! Its verse is iconic, and even if you don’t know the words of the verse, the chances are that you have seen “Jeremiah 29:11” written somewhere before.

It is a verse that gives us all encouragement. It is something we all need to remember throughout our life. It is highly likely that we will continue to see this scripture all around us!

The Takeaway

Jeremiah 29:11 is a very special passage in The Holy Bible, and a verse that many Christians hold dearly. It reminds us that during our struggles, God is always watching over us, and that he will help us.

Life can be difficult, but God has plans for us. But ultimately, God is there for us, he loves us, and wants the very best for us. Jeremiah 29:11 affirms this.