In recent days, Zara McDermott, an English model and influencer, has attracted significant interest as a result of a picture depicting her weight loss was posted on her Instagram story.

In the picture, which can be seen above, she showed the difference in her body from June 2019 to November 2020. In that time, she suggests that she has lost an impressive three stone.

But instead of Zara being congratulated over this, she has instead been heavily criticised, with some suggesting she is promoting an “impossible” body type.

But the truth is, it clearly isn’t impossible, and we should be applauding her dedication to achieve the body she wants. Unfortunately, most that criticise her are simply jealous.


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About Zara McDermott

Zara McDermott is well-known for appearing on British reality TV show Love Island. Since then, she has attracted a large following on Instagram. She worked as a model in the past, and is, without doubt, very beautiful.

She also made cameo appearances in another reality show – Made in Chelsea, as a result of her relationship with cast member Sam Thompson. As a result, she has become very well-known.

The duo’s relationship has been making headlines recently as well, with Zara allegedly cheating on Sam early on in their relationship.

The recent furore started when Zara posted a before and after picture, showing herself in June 2019, and the present day. She looks beautiful in both pictures, though has lost three stone in that time.

There has been outcry from many at this, with some suggesting it is unhealthy, or that it encourages mass-exercising. Unfortunately, very little has been made of the potential positives of her actions.

Life Expectancy and Obesity

For the first time in decades, the life expectancy of those in the United Kingdom is going down. For all of the advancements we’ve made in healthcare, we have plateaued.

Much of this can be attributed to the growing problem with obesity. Now, there are no suggestions whatsoever that Zara McDermott was overweight – she certainly wasn’t.

But the point is that if more people decided to dedicate more of their time to exercise, obesity rates would lessen, which would eventually result in Zara’s body being seen as the new normal, rather than something to criticise.

Eating Disorder Problems

Critics have suggested that Zara McDermott’s weight loss may worsen the condition of those who are struggling with eating disorders. Unfortunately, this could well be the case.

Eating disorders like Anorexia and Bulimia are terrible conditions to live with. Many people who suffer go to significant lengths to try and achieve the perfect body. Seeing pictures like that of Zara may worsen their situation.

Admittedly, many people will suggest that Zara looked better in June 2019. But Zara herself believed she didn’t, and what she does with her own time is up to her. It isn’t for others to criticise.

And it is also worth acknowledging that Zara’s beauty is another contributing factor behind the negative response to her images. Zara has worked as a model in the past.

Despite her weight loss, Zara McDermott still has large natural breasts, a small waist and a large bum. These are all qualities that every girl strives for, so it can be difficult for people to see. But as the old saying goes, if you’ve got it, flaunt it.

The Takeaway

Body image has, and always will continue to be, a controversial subject. But ultimately, we should be praising Zara for her efforts to get her body to a state that she is mentally happy with.

There is a wider societal problem which has been exacerbated by the rise of Instagram influencers, and the effect that they are having on the wider population. While Zara McDermott is certainly in the category of ‘Instagram influencers’, this doesn’t mean we shouldn’t be celebrating her newfound body state.

What is most important is that Zara is clearly pleased with the results of her hard work. And even if it helps to inspire just a few people, it will provide more positivity. Good for her.