A picture that has been widely circulated shows a man dressed in United States Military garments, looking very emotional, but at the same time, proud.

The image is of a man named Alix Idrache, and in this article, we examine the incredible story behind the image. It is a story of heartbreak, motivation, hope, and success.

In a year that has been so difficult for many, it is excellent to know that feel-good stories like this exist. Now, we take a look at Alix Idrache’s story.

The flag of the USA – a sign of freedom

Origin of the Image of Alix Idrache

As seen above, the image shows a man named Alix Idrache at his graduation ceremony at West Point Military Academy.

The photo originated from the Defense.gov website, where Idrache appeared alongside other recruits. It also appeared on the official Instagram page of the West Point Military Academy, as seen below.

As can be the case with viral images, the story behind the image has been exaggerated a little too far by some people, with Idrache credited for all manner of things, some of which have been rather embellished. But thankfully, there is a real story behind the image, and it is a wholesome one.

Alix Idrache’s Story

Idrache grew up in Haiti, in impoverished conditions that were akin a slum. As most in Northern America know, Haiti is one of several island nations that are vulnerable to extreme weather.

In one such instance, a strong earthquake wreacked havoc across Haiti, and tore apart the community that Idrache grew up in.

But incredibly, in an act that gave Idrache “hope” for the first time in his life, the American military were on the scene, attempting to provide help and support to the neighbourhood that badly needed support.

This was an area that was largely neglected by the outside world. But the presence of American soldiers was enough to give Idrache some much needed hope.

Having asked his father who these men were that were offering support, his father said they were American soldiers. It was at this point, that Idrache formed his dream.

The Sacrifice of Dieujuste Idrache

One part of the story that is rarely told is the sacrifices that Dieujuste Idrache – the father of Alix – made to help his family.

Alix would later credit Dieujuste for playing the main role in his academic success. Dieujuste left school at just 14 to care for his own family.

He left the countryside to find work in the capital – Port-au-Prince, with the aim of creating more opportunities for his children, and give them the chance that he never had.

Alix was told by his father – “education is the only gift I can always give you, because I don’t have anything material to give”.

Dieujuste helped Alix in his teenage years to learn, and continued to encourage his education. This encouragement was crucial for Alix, who thrived as a student.

Many brave servicemen and servicewomen have served the United States armed forces

Alix Idrache’s Mission

Over the next several years, Idrache became determined to become a US soldier, and partake in operations along with other brave US military personnel.

This dream depended upon Idrache’s family being issued with American visa’s – something that was difficult to achieve. But eventually, they set sail for the United States.

He enlisted in the national guard, as part of a scheme which would provide him with national citizenship. Over the course of the following years, Idrache courageously trained, and eventually made his dream become a reality.

This is where the photo has come from; Idrache in this image is pictured at his graduation. Despite seemingly having little chance in life, Idrache was able to succeed, and realise his dream.


The photo was actually taken in 2016, and received very little fanfare at the time. But soon enough, major media outlets picked up on the story, and Idrache’s legacy was secured.

Alix Idrache responded to the widespread support that he had received, expressing his gratitude in since-deleted posts. His message read:

“I want to thank everyone for your kind and thoughtful comments on this picture. SSG Bryant captured a moment that I will never forget. At this moment, I was overwhelmed with emotions. Three things came to mind and led to those tears. The first is where I started. I am from Haiti and never did I imagine that such honor would be one day bestowed on me. The second is where I am. Men and women who have preserved the very essence of the human condition stood in that position and took the same oath. Men who preserved the Union is a dark period of this country’s history. Men who scaled the face of adversity and liberated Europe from fascism and nazism. Women like CPT Griest, LT Haver, MAJ Jaster who rewrote the narrative and challenged the status quo to prove themselves worthy of being called Rangers. The third is my future. Shortly after leave, I will report to FT. Rucker to start flight school. Knowing that one day I will be a pilot is humbling beyond words. I could not help but be flooded with emotions knowing that I will be leading these men and women who are willing to give their all to preserve what we value as the American way of life. To me, that is the greatest honor. Once again, thank you.”

-Alix Idrache

The Takeaway

The photo of Alix Idrache is very powerful – and the story behind it is truly inspiring. The success of Idrache is testament to the importance of hard work, determination and a drive to succeed.

It also shows the potential that can be reached through a close father-son relationship. It is a truly heart-warming story, and will continue to inspire many.