The chances are that you have seen an advert for “Pipt” at some point in recent months. Billboards, buses, telephone boxes and all manner of other things have been used to display the branding of Pipt.

Yet very little is known of the brand, nor what it does, who is behind it, or just how they have conducted this multi-million pound advertising drive.

So we have gathered the evidence that is available to us, in an effort to find out more about Pipt, and to see just what this brand is about, and will offer.

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A post shared by pipt (@pipt)

What is Pipt?

This is the question that everyone is asking – what exactly is Pipt?! Well, on their website, Pipt has a page called “what is Pipt”. Unfortunately, details are rather sparse.

The page says that Pipt is “a highly curated popular culture platform, providing quality entertainment by showcasing outstanding talent and content”.

Judging by this, we presume that this could be a Twitter-like platform, albeit with other media types such as music, video, news, and even Tik-Tok-style content. Its mentioning of “talent” may also suggest that podcasts, vlogs and other popular content could be included.

Highly-curated translates as being very personal to its users. It looks like detailed algorithms will be used in an effort to appeal to users, and provide them with content that they are likely to engage in.

The page also states that Pipt will remove the “negatives of social media whilst using high tech artificial intelligence and intiuitive design to revolutionise the way people consume and purchase digitally”.

Clearly, these are quite extravagant claims. But, judging by their mass advertising campaign, Pipt has enough capital to at least make a strong effort in this field.

How Will Pipt Work?

Also on the aforementioned page, Pipt states that “I’m all media types and a personalised shopper, rolled into one app.”

The media types involved appear to be “voice notes, shopping, images, podcasts and texts”. So judging by this, the app will be content-heavy,

Pipt is a subscription-based service it appears. They mention on their website that they are “free for 14 days”. They will hope that when customers are trialling their app, that they will want to

An example of Pipt’s advertising – located in Reading, Berkshire, England
Copyright Generation95

Pipt on Social Media

Pipt have an Instagram account, albeit with just two posts shown. The first post dates back to August 2020. At the time of writing, they have over 4,000 followers.

There is a section on the website which allows a user to request a creator – meaning that Pipt may be hoping to sway users away from YouTube, including those with high viewership counts.

It has long been speculated that one day YouTube’s dominance will wane, and Pipt could be the brand to finally provide an alternative to YouTube – and potentially a higher share of advertising income.

As has been mentioned, Pipt has been advertising a lot. As seen in the above image, Pipt appear to be suggesting that hashtags (#) are outdated – something that Instagram and Twitter are reliant on.

This would be in line with Pipt’s intention of making highly-curated content, as it would essentially make the role of hashtags obsolete.

Who is behind Pipt?

This isn’t entirely clear at this juncture. What we do know however, is that Pipt is being bankrolled by a group with significant finance available. The advertising campaign has been extensive, and continues to reach large numbers of users.

The company behind Pipt is simply named “Pipt Limited”, and is headquarted in Leeds, Yorkshire, England. Pipt became incorporated in May 2020 (as “Pipt Group Limited”), and have clearly been working hard in the intervening months.

Pipt are listed as providing “web portals” and “advertising agencies” on Companies House. While the names of the directors are listed, we don’t think it is entirely appropriate to post their names.

This is particularly true when considering that it is likely that there are wealthy backers that aren’t listed as Directors. It is unknown who (if anyone) has contributed financially to Pipt outside of those that founded the business.

However, one of the directors appears to be a serial entrepreneur with several pre-existing businesses, which might be an explanation for the seemingly-huge funds that are being put into this venture.

Pipt look prepared to take on social media behemoths like Facebook and Twitter

The Confusion

There seems to be a lot of confusion and intrigue surrounding Pipt. Never before have we seen a brand advertise so heavily without having a ready-made product. This makes Pipt truly unique.

Perhaps this is part of a calculated gamble, and that Pipt hope that by the time that they do launch their app fully, that there will be significant interest. It certainly is a risky strategy, but one that may well pay off – only time will tell.

But, as this article shows, people are talking about Pipt, including us, and you – the curious visitor (we are thankful that you are here). As a result, it appears that when the brand does launch, that there will be interest.

Will Pipt Work?

Pipt are going to be entering an incredibly-competitive market. It looks as if they will essentially be taking small parts of the likes of Spotify, Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, YouTube, Amazon and Tik-Tok among others, and rolling it into one app.

This sounds challenging, and will present Pipt with an almighty challenge. But nothing lasts forever. Facebook’s stranglehold on social media once seemed insurmountable, only to have Instagram since overtake its popularity. Pipt could potentially do the same thing.

Unlike many of the brands mentioned, Pipt is going to be a subscription-based platform. This means that if they do get enough service users, that they should be able to enjoy strong income.

It could be argued that they will struggle to compete with the free and longstanding apps that we mentioned above. However, the music streaming service Tidal adopted a similar approach – charging much more than industry leader Spotify, and they have succeeded.

Finally, with Pipt focusing on offering a personalised shopping service, they are likely to be in a position to gain income from Amazon or equivalent affiliate links, which can be useful.

The Takeaway

Pipt is an interesting concept – and one that we still do not know a great deal about. It will be interesting to see what happens when the app is released.

There aren’t any details on when we can expect the app to be released, but we can expect more information to follow in the forthcoming months.

Will Pipt succeed? We will have to wait and see. Judging by their advertising campaign, they are definitely going to give it a go.

Please note that Generation95 is in no way affiliated with, Pipt Group Limited, or any of its subsidiaries. This article was compiled for informational purposes only.